Foreign Currency FX Swap: Definition, How It Works, and Types

currency swaps definition

For example, one party might receive 100 million British pounds (GBP), while the other receives $125 million. At the end of the agreement, they will swap again at either the original exchange rate or another pre-agreed rate, closing out the deal. The fixed-for-fixed rate currency swap involves exchanging fixed interest payments in one currency for fixed interest payments in another.

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The U.S. firm effectively turns its dollar-denominated loan into a yen-denominated one, which could be beneficial if it has yen income from Japanese operations. If the U.S. company can’t access the Japanese credit market directly (or vice versa), this swap allows it to benefit indirectly from the lower Japanese interest rates. It’s worth noting that variations exist depending on the specific needs of the parties involved and market conditions.

The currency swap agreement process begins with two parties agreeing on the principal amounts, interest rates, and other terms of the swap. The agreement is then documented in a formal contract, usually referred to as a swap confirmation or master agreement. Floating-for-floating currency swaps involve the exchange of floating interest rate payments in one currency for floating interest rate payments in another currency. Fixed-for-fixed currency swaps involve the exchange of fixed interest rate payments in one currency for fixed interest rate payments in another currency. Currency swap agreements are valid for a specified period only and could range up to a period of ten years depending on the terms and conditions of the contract.

The floating indexes are commonly the 3-month tenor EURIBOR, and compounded overnight rates. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.


The swap rate is the difference between the two exchange rates, and it represents the cost of borrowing one currency compared to the other. They offer a company access to a loan in a foreign currency that can be less expensive than when obtained through a local bank. They also provide a way for a company to hedge (or protect against) risks it may face due to fluctuations in foreign exchange. Rather than borrowing real at 10%, Company A will have to satisfy the 5% interest rate payments incurred by Company B under its agreement with the Brazilian banks. Similarly, Company B no longer has to borrow funds from American institutions at 9%, but realizes the 4% borrowing cost incurred by its swap counterparty. Under this scenario, Company B actually managed to reduce its cost of debt by more than half.

Companies or financial institutions typically use this to manage or hedge their exposure to fluctuations in exchange rates. Firstly, in a currency swap, two parties exchange principal amounts in different currencies and agree to reverse the exchange later. It essentially involves borrowing and lending in different currencies simultaneously. Unlike a traditional loan, currency swaps allow parties to access foreign currency funding without directly borrowing from the market. Additionally, currency swaps often involve fixed interest rates, whereas instaforex review traditional loans may have variable interest rates.

currency swaps definition

The reason for this discrepancy in lending rates is due to the partnerships and ongoing relations that domestic companies usually have with their local lending authorities. The swap rate, also known as the rollover interest rate, rollover swap or swap rate, is the interest payment that is made or received for holding a position overnight. It is charged when trading on leverage, as when traders open a leveraged position they are borrowing funds to open the position.

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In a currency swap, the parties decide upfront whether to exchange the principal amounts of the two currencies at the beginning of the transaction. For instance, swapping โ‚ฌ10 million for $12.5 million implies a EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.25. Currency swaps differ from FX swaps and interest rate swaps since they involve the exchange of both principal and interest payments in different currencies over a longer term. Forex swaps are short-term currency exchanges without interest payments and interest rate swaps involve exchanging interest payments in the same currency without principal exchange. Many confuse currency swaps with foreign exchange (forex or FX) swapsโ€”for obvious reasons.

Therefore, it can behoove them to hedge those risks by essentially taking opposite and simultaneous positions in the currency. Company A and Swiss Company B can take a position in each otherโ€™s currencies (Swiss francs and USD, respectively) via a currency swap for hedging purposes. Treasury repurchase (repo) market, where banks and investors borrow or lend Treasurys overnight. The New York Federal Reserve calculates and publishes SOFR each business day, based on the previous day’s trading activity.

Thus, unlike FX swaps, which are primarily used for short-term liquidity management and typically last less than a year, currency swaps are medium-to-long-term and can span several years. This longer duration allows them to serve broader strategic purposes, such as hedging against more enduring exchange rate fluctuations or gaining access to foreign capital markets. A currency swap is a financial agreement between two parties to exchange principal amounts and interest payments in different currencies over a specific period.

  1. If they decide to leave the position open for more than a day, a swap will be activated.
  2. Both parties can pay a fixed orย floating rate, or one party may pay a floating rate while the other pays a fixed rate.
  3. This makes currency swaps a more comprehensive tool for managing currency and interest rate exposures simultaneously.
  4. Instead of borrowing from international banks, both companies borrow domestically and lend to one another at the lower rate.

Interest rate risk arises from changes in market interest rates, which can affect the value of floating-rate payments and lead to fluctuations in the market value of the swap. Investors can use currency swaps to diversify their portfolios by gaining exposure to foreign currency assets, thereby reducing concentration risk. Consider a company that is holding U.S. dollars and needs British pounds to fund a new operation in Britain.

Credit risks because the respective counterparty, for whom the value of the swap is positive, will be concerned about the opposing counterparty defaulting on its obligations. Liquidity risk refers to the risk that a party may be unable to find a counterparty to unwind or offset a currency swap position, potentially leading to financial losses. However, in 2023, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) will officially replace LIBOR for trade99 review benchmarking purposes. In fact, as of the end of 2021, no new transactions in U.S. dollars use LIBOR (although it will continue to quote rates for the benefit of already existing agreements).

currency swaps definition

Market participants involved in currency swap transactions may be subject to reporting and disclosure requirements, depending on the jurisdiction and the specific regulations in place. Currency swaps enable businesses to access funding in foreign currencies, helping them expand their operations into new markets and diversify their funding sources. Both parties can pay a fixed or floating rate, or one party may pay a floating rate while the other pays a fixed rate. During the financial crisis in 2008, the Federal Reserve allowed several developing countries that faced liquidity problems the option of a currency swap for borrowing purposes. It also may be more expensive to borrow in the U.S. than it is in another country, or vice versa.

For this reason they are also used as the construction tool in creating collateralized discount curves for valuing a future cashflow in a given currency but collateralized with another currency. Given the importance of collateral to the financial system at large, cross-currency swaps are important as a hedging instrument to insure against material collateral mismatches and devaluation. The valuation of currency swaps typically involves the use of present value calculations, where the future cash flows of the swap are discounted to determine the current market value.

The interest rate curves at the swap’s inception and the credit risk profiles of both parties involved determine the price. Company A now holds the funds it required in real, while Company B is in possession of USD. However, both companies have to pay interest on the loans to their respective domestic banks in the original borrowed currency. Although Company B swapped BRL for USD, it still must satisfy its obligation to the Brazilian bank in real.

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