Category: Artificial intelligence

  • Zendesk Pricing Sell, Support & Suite Cost Breakdown 2024

    Switching from Zendesk to Intercom Help Center Whether you’ve just started searching for a customer support tool or have been using one for a while, chances are you know about Zendesk and Intercom. The former is one of the oldest and most reliable solutions on the market, while the latter sets the bar high in…

  • Symbolic AI vs Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing

    Bridging the Gap Between Symbolic and Subsymbolic AI It contained 100,000 computer-generated images of simple 3-D shapes (spheres, cubes, cylinders and so on). The challenge for any AI is to analyze these images and answer questions that require reasoning. A Neuro-Symbolic AI system in this context would use a neural network to learn to recognize…

  • Transforming User Experience in CRM: The Rise of Voice and Conversational User Interface

    How Conversational UI Powers Better User Experiences Yet not so smart and empathetic, chatbots help businesses boost customer engagement and increase work efficiency through close-to-natural communication with users. On the other hand, it turns into quite a frustrating experience when a conversation with a chatbot hits a dead-end. There are two common types of conversational…

  • NLP vs NLU vs. NLG: the differences between three natural language processing concepts

    What Are the Differences Between NLU, NLP & NLG? These kinds of processing can include tasks like normalization, spelling correction, or stemming, each of which we’ll look at in more detail. NLP and NLU make semantic search more intelligent through tasks like normalization, typo tolerance, and entity recognition. Each plays a unique role at various…

  • How AI Chatbots Are Transforming the Hiring Process Hiring Guide

    What is a recruiting chatbot and what are the benefits? Let’s now understand how to develop the AI-powered bot for recruitment purposes. Recruiters can’t communicate all the time and immediately with the questions of the candidates. It communicates with job applicants (written or spoken) about vacancies, allowing them to ask questions related to the job…

  • How To Create A Chatbot for WordPress

    4 Best WordPress AI Chatbot Plugins Train Your Own Model You can ask questions or give instructions, like chatting with someone. It works well with apps like Slack, so you can get help while you work. Introduced in Claude 3 (premium) is also multi-model capabilities. Claude 3 Sonnet is able to recognize aspects of images…

  • 8 Customer Service Channels for Ecommerce

    What is a Customer Complaint? How to handle it effectively? B2B marketing in local economies is always a great way to help each other out. Provide the customer with a fair and constructive experience to get through the turbulent situation. Put their feelings and needs first as much as you can within the scope of…

  • These are the top AI programming languages

    The 5 Best Programming Languages for AI Development An efficient language promotes faster development and deployment of AI and ML applications, which is crucial in industries where rapid solution delivery can make a significant difference. We are IntelliSoft, your trusted guide for this expedition, the masters of AI and ML solutions. Our hard-earned expertise and…

  • Top 8 Programming Languages You Should Know in the AI Age In June 2024

    11 of the Best AI Programming Languages: A Beginners Guide Go, also known as Golang, is another modern programming language that is designed to provide a balance between simplicity and performance. Although it wasn’t originally created for AI development, it has some features that make it a good choice for building machine learning models and…

  • Best and worst use cases of AI in banking

    8 Ways AI can Improve Banking Industry Limited adaptability in AI systems renders them susceptible to manipulation by malicious actors, potentially jeopardizing client data and financial stability. The constant collection and analysis of data can create a sense of being watched, eroding our control over our financial information and privacy. Here, we explore some of…

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